Our Tin Can Phone

Can Telephone

This is a free-form place for us to let our brothers and sisters know of sickness, passing, and other family news as well as events in our congregation. Please help keep us up to date on your lives. We are Community. We care.


  1. stew.schneider@gmail.com

    Happy Birthday
    Rick suggested that the church should recognize birthdays and anniversaries with a card. I think that’s an excellent idea. We’ll circulate a signup sheet. Let us know if you’d like to get a card. Well done, Elder!

  2. stew.schneider@gmail.com

    We have been invited to share Maundy Thursday services with First church. The Ash Wednesday service was so moving, I’m sure we all will want to continue with this fellowship. Rev. Pittman’s invitation:

    You are invited to join with us for worship at 7 pm on Maundy Thursday,
    April 17 when we will remember and celebrate Christ’s last supper with his disciples.
    I hope you will join us for this Holy Week gathering.
    May God bless you.
    Rev. Ann L. Pitman, Interim Pastor

  3. stew.schneider@gmail.com

    The 2014 Holy Week services will be at First Christian Church on Winchester at noon each day from April 14-18th. Lunch following services.

  4. stew.schneider@gmail.com

    Don’t forget! This Sunday, after services, we will have our farewell to summer and farewell to Katie Keys lunch. We hate to bid her goodbye, but we wish her nothing but the best during her recovery. May God bless!

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